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Sea of Thieves' Beta Now Available , multiplayer ship battles are a blast, but the Xbox app Working For Some Players , II Sea Of Thieves Beta Now Available, But Not Working For Some Players

First, we conquered the Xbox app—angrily, painfully—and then we conquered the seas (kind of) in the closed beta for Sea of Thieves, a cooperative pirate sandbox where up to four players can hunt for treasure and battle other players on sea and land.
Chris, James, Wes, and Tyler formed our crew, spending a couple hours earlier today drinking grog, beaching their ship, and failing entirely to capture another squad's sloop. They sunk a few times. But despite that and technical issues, and many questions still to answer—the beta is not a complete version of the game, with "most content" being held for launch—it was a pretty grand adventure.
Sea of Thieves is out on March 20, and we won't know how much developer Rare is holding back until then, but the pre-order bonus beta was plenty big enough to give us a few good tales of pirating blunders. It's running through the 29th, so we may have even more stories to tell. For now, here are our first impressions.

Windows to hell

TylerI'm most impressed by how dense Sea of Thieves is with stories. We only played with all four of us for a little over an hour, but I have all kinds of anecdotes: all the times I fell off the ship doing something stupid, our failed signal to drop the anchor that beached us, our foolhardy trip into the eye of a storm. And yet I'm scared for this game, because of the hour—or was it hours?—we spent trying to get four of us onto a ship via the Xbox app.
JamesI have a feeling this game will fail on the PC because the Microsoft Store is still nearly impossible to navigate, and getting a party together using the Xbox app is a confusing pain.
Tyler: Sure is. But I pray you're wrong about Sea of Thieves failing, because it was so much fun, even if I had to invite all of you 30 times each or whatever to get us into a lobby together, only for me to disconnect right before we started.

The characters in Sea of Thieves have impeccable balance. (Note that some screens in this article are cropped due to being captured at a widescreen resolution.)
James: Yeah. Once we were all in together, we just let our curiosity take control. There’s very little (maybe nothing?) in the way of tutorials, but once we figured out how to interact with people, objects, and different aspects of the ship, doing what pirates do came naturally. We just set out to sea, and it’s a big, daunting, mysterious ocean. Shame such a massive sandbox is stuck behind an awful user experience.
Chris: That was frustrating and confusing and unless I miss my guess, if you're in the lobby for a while trying to get friends in there with you, the game will just eventually launch and fill your empty slots with randos. Is that correct? It seemed to happen a few times.
Tyler: I don't know about that, but there were issues. It's a beta, and the goal here is to discover those issues, so I'll forgive it for now, but I can't help but wish this weren't a Microsoft game. Steam has its problems, but at least I can easily pop open an overlay to invite friends.
Wes: There's really no sugarcoating it: for a game this multiplayer focused, the painful combination of the Windows Store and the Xbox app feels close to a death sentence. It's really not going to cut it.

James and Tyler drunkenly stumble off a cliff.

TylerLet's get to the actual game, because that's more fun than our doomsaying. James and I began by getting sloshed on grog on the starting island. It was probably the most convincing drunk effect I've experienced in a game, swaying me around as I tried to navigate a precarious cliffside path. And then we both fell off the cliff into the sea. I was eaten by a shark.
JamesI was not killed by a shark because I killed the sharks with my gun.
Tyler: You left me to die, is what you mean. And then you shot a cannonball at me after I came back from the dead, which was pretty rude. I had just died, man.
Chris: I was running around filling cannons with balls and gathering wood. I was not amused by your hijinks. I was all business. Plus earlier some other player had drunk a lot of grog and then vomited it all over my face, so I was staying away from any grog-users.
Tyler: I love how many little jobs there are: loading cannons, lowering and adjusting sails, steering. I wish there were even more, no matter how pointless. I'd swab the deck.
Chris: I would like to cook, maybe. It's nice that you need a crew on the big ship. Sort of everyone has a little job to do. One person steers, another person gives directions, one person tells you when you're about to crash and should drop anchor and is ignored because the signal to drop anchor was apparently Tyler doing a dance, which he didn't bother to tell anyone else was the signal.
JamesBut at least we learned how to fix a sinking ship, right?
Tyler: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just adding a sub-challenge. I liked having to grab boards to slam over leaks—it feels urgent and harrowing. And when not in crisis, this game is gonna be great for shooting the shit with friends. Set a course, get the accordions going, and you can just hang out and enjoy the sunsets. Which isn't to say that navigation is easy. It really felt like we were 'exploring,' because just getting the ship going the right direction requires experimentation and discovery. It wasn't just 'go to map marker, find treasure.'

Tyler 'signaling' that it was time to anchor.
Wes: There's a great physicality to most of the actions you take, which makes Sea of Thieves a vehicle for slapstick comedy and a more immersive first person game, as trite as that may be to say. It reminds me of having to pull out your paper map in Far Cry 2. In Sea of Thieves, when you take on the first introductory "voyage" you get a treasure map with X marking the spot, and you have to look at that map and compare it to the larger map on your ship to find the right island. Or you can just be like these chuckleheads and stand in a circle, pressing a mouse button to proudly show off your map like you drew it in art class.

Chris, James, and Tyler show their maps to each other to make sure everyone knows where they're going. Nearby, an exasperated Wes digs up the treasure.
Chris: There's also some nice elements in the world that maybe hint at things to find, like we saw a flock of gulls circling in the distance. Does that mean they're circling over something specific to find, or is it just a little detail? We passed a bunch of barrels floating in the sea at one point, did a ship sink there? Is it something we could dive down and salvage? I don't know what's out there or if it's interesting, but it feels like a game where even sailing around with no specific plan could be rewarding.

Our first battle

TylerThe best part was for sure getting into a feud with another squad of pirates over the plundering rights to a haunted island in the middle of a storm. We saw their ship and naturally decided that it should be ours—in part, sure, because ours sank—and that kicked off a great story with multiple chases. I think it started when James and I jumped into the ocean and tried to swim to their ship, and they took off.
JamesBut not before I boarded. I hung out on the side ladder while they watched you shrink in the distance. And when I figured they thought we were gone, I hopped up and killed two of ‘em before they knew what was happening. Sword to the back and all that. The last crewmember and I ran around below deck, him taking shots at me with a pistol while I hid and attacked with my sword while he reloaded. Got me in the end, but it was such a cool little standoff. I could’ve stolen their ship and swung back around for you, Tyler. I didn’t, but now I desperately want to pull something off like that, and for no other reason than because I can.

James hanging onto an enemy ship while Tyler is swallowed by the sea.
WesAt that point, I'd already jumped aboard their ship and gotten myself killed trying to swordfight two people at once. That was after a rogue wave capsized our ship, which I was patiently guarding. I watched it sink underwater, which was really cool, but within seconds it just disappeared, which was kind of disappointing. The little moments are really fun and funny, and the atmosphere totally nails the pirating life, but it all feels pretty throwaway.
Chris: I fell off the ship before we got to the battle. A bad pirate is me. I was very conscientious of keeping the cannons loaded until then, though.
Wes: That was on our new, magically respawned ship, which we all were able to teleport to and start sailing again like nothing happened. I am sorry for not coming back for you, though. I haven't mastered the U-turn in a giant pirate ship yet.
TylerYeah, I respawned with you guys on the new ship, and we spotted them yet again. Wes took the wheel to hunt them down… and rammed into them. It didn't work out well for us.

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